The Aftermath of Coronary Bypass Surgery

Bypass surgery refers to an operation involving the surgical removal of a tumour from a single channelized region of the body. Sometimes, bypass work can be performed on the perineum or buttocks. If a person has a very large tumour in one of these areas, it may be impossible to get this bypass surgery performed because it will involve the removal of the entire tumour. Tummy tucks in particular are only suitable for the removal of large tumours which are located relatively close to the surface of the skin.

Discuss With Your Doctor

There are many possible complications following this surgery. Some of the most serious include gallstones, blood clots and an increased risk of infection. It is important to understand what to do if you develop any of these complications and how to overcome them. You should first discuss your condition with your doctor and then get a chest x-ray and abdominal ultrasound done to determine the severity of your bypass surgery.


Your doctor will decide whether your bypass procedure is suitable for you after evaluating your medical history and examining your health condition. The procedure is usually performed on individuals who have at least one unobstructed coronary artery and two unobstructed peripheral arteries. The procedure can also be performed on people who have blocked large coronary arteries or large jugular veins. For some people, a bypass is not suitable because their heart function is impaired and they cannot easily breathe normally due to enlarged heart vessels or because their heart has weakened due to past heart attacks. In such cases, a tracheostomy is recommended instead of a bypass.

Minimal Scarring

A major benefit of bypass surgery is that there is very little scarring. It can generally be completed under local anesthesia and takes only fifteen minutes to perform. The surgery will involve two incisions: one in each nostril. The incisions used are small, precise and placed just above the earlobe so that no scarring occurs. You will need to stay overnight in the hospital and can resume normal activities in three to four days.

Loss of Smell

There are very few complications associated with coronary bypass surgery. One common problem is a loss of smell for patients whose anaerobes have been damaged by the surgical procedure. This problem usually vanishes within a few weeks but may persist for a few months. Another risk associated with this procedure is an infection of the wounds and surgical sites.

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Blood Vessels Feeding

Some patients experience problems related to the blood vessels feeding the heart when they undergo bypass surgery. This is a very rare occurrence and usually happens if the patient has a history of heart disease or if his heart rhythm is irregular. In such cases, extra care needs to be taken before the operation takes place. Extra measures should be taken to avoid the possibility of a blood clot building up in the affected area.

Usually, people recover from bypass surgery quickly without any complications. They can resume normal activity within a few days but it is always better to stay at a hospital for some time until all the postoperative symptoms are cleared. The duration of stay in the intensive care unit (ICU) depends on the extent of the bypass surgery performed and on the results of various laboratory tests.

Recovery from bypass surgery can be stressful for both the patient and the surgeon. Full recovery requires prompt care after the procedure. This may include regular hospitalization and monitoring of the heart and lungs. Skilled surgeons perform this procedure with very minimal risks to the patient’s health. However, it is always advisable to talk to a doctor before deciding on bypass surgery. A surgeon may offer advice regarding the matter or refer the patient to another doctor.

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